Monday, November 19, 2012


Hi. I'm Hailey, a.k.a., Elf, Bug, Hailey Bug, Halo, or Hay-Hay, but you can call me Hailey because that's my name.  I love animals, staying healthy, reading, and staying active. I have been home schooled all my life.  I like it because I can work at my own pace.  I am 9 and I am doing 6th grade work.  I think I would be really bored in 4th grade if I was in public school,but I don't know because home school is all I've ever known.  I want to share on this blog some of the things I've been doing in school and some of my interest outside of school.  I am a girly girl who loves clothes, make-up, fashion, music, and hanging out with my friends.  I love to stay busy and active and I love to learn.  I am learning the guitar, I know how to crochet, knit, and I want to learn how to sew.  I can hula-hoop for 9 1/2 hrs. straight and do some pretty cool tricks.  I even tried surfing this year!   I am happiest when I am going and doing.  Sitting idle is just not for me.  Keep it moving people!


Some tricks of the trade.